Thursday, February 5, 2015

Getting Back in the Loop

Hi, it's Lisa with you today.
At the last minute I found out it was my turn for the blog prompt this week, and guess who all the sudden has writer's block. Yeah. So I figured I'd lean on my fellow bloggers and write something about what I know they're going through or what they're busy with right now. The problem is - I've been so busy lately that I'm a little out of the loop. I know Caitlin is preparing for the release of her book Heartsick (2-16-15, I'm so excited), and Karlie is just busy with school. But I don't know what either of them are doing as far as their current project. And, Dan, your other blog is very active, so I guess that is what's keeping you busy. Yet I still have no idea what's going on with you writing-wise. So, I'm opening up the table for discussion.

What's going on with all of you?

I've just released my book and am getting ready to release another. I'll curb my urge to plug it. I'm also trying to find the time to write a sequel to the one I'm releasing in May. Releasing, pre-releasing, and writing are difficult tasks to juggle, but I'm managing.

Now, your turn.

Dan: Congratulations on the book releases, Lisa! You are so productive. On my end, my agent and I are seeking publication for my adult sci-fi novel THE ROGUE RETRIEVAL. I'm revising a second project (an epic fantasy novel), and have yet a third one (a sci-fi novella) out to beta readers. At the moment, though, I'm working on some short stories.

My first fiction sale -- a short SF piece called "Going Viral" -- will appear in the Spring 2015 anthology from Third Flatiron Publishing. The theme is "The Time It Happened" so every story will be about world-altering events. It's due out in electronic form on March 1st, with print to follow.

On the blog side I've been putting out weekly installments of the Science in Sci-fi, Fact in Fantasy series (aided by a growing team of expert contributors) and serving as a mentor for Michelle Hauck's team in #SunVsSnow.

Karlie: Congrats Lisa and Caitlin!! As for me, I'm extremely busy, but I'm cranking out a little here and there - mostly rewrites and editing. I'm currently working on a short fiction called "Poisoned", and the rest of my time is split between rewriting Kismet and planning Abducted, which will hopefully become my first finished thriller. Title definitely subject to change.

Caitlin Well, I don't mind plugging Lisa's book! Buy Moments!!!! It's great! :0)

I am in the midst of a flurry of blogs and pre-release activities for Heartsick! I'm also working on two new New Adult books and really hoping to get them both done before the fall, but we'll see! I'm also continuing to update the second book in my Denali series on Wattpad, though not nearly fast enough for some of my readers...not that I'm complaining! There's nothing more flattering than having readers get on your case because they really need to know what happens next. :)

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